Administrative officer

Publicada: jueves, 4 de abril de 2024

Data fi inscripcions
La data de finalització d'admissió de sol·licituds per a aquesta oferta és dilluns, 15 d’abril de 2024
L'oferta està actualment en procés.

Data inici inscripcions


Data fi inscripcions



Teamit is looking for a talented, hard-working, committed, enthusiastic, adaptable and creative professional who wants to grow and pursue a career with a top team of professionals in European project management in the biomedical sector. We are looking for a Financial and Administration Assistant to support the Head of Management.


  • Conduct regular bank reconciliations to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of the company's financial transactions.
  • Monitor budgetary allocations and expenses to ensure fiscal responsibility.
  • Oversee the billing process, ensuring the prompt issuance of invoices to customers and timely receipt of payments.
  • Coordinate payments to suppliers and creditors, adhering to established deadlines and company policies.
  • Track and validate financial justifications for projects.
  • Preserve and renew the ISO 9001 certification.
  • Collaborate with the leadership team to support the implementation of the company's strategic plan.
  • Assist in organizing both external and internal events, including staff meetings.


Localitat, Província

BARCELONA, Barcelona

Permisos de Conduir

No es requereix cap permís.

Vehicle propi

No es requereix vehicle propi.


No es requereix cap idioma específic.


No es requereix cap ocupació específica.

Àmbits de selecció de candidats/as


Durada contracte


Tipus de Jornada



25/27.000 euros bruts anuals

Comparteix aquesta oferta

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